Thursday, February 17, 2011


We are excited to share with you some very good news! We learned last week that our farm has been chosen to receive a $10,000 RAFI grant. This was a huge deal for us as I know it would be for any small farm. We of coarse are excited but in the same way we are a little sad that several great farms did not get grants the year. So with that in mind we want to make sure that we are very good stewards of this money and make everything that we said would happen, happen.

We wrote the grant in three different phases. The first phase of our grant is to add an additional cabinet incubator. This will allow us to hatch all of the eggs on the property. That includes chicken, turkey and game bird eggs. We already have a waiting list for the chicks and poults. This also means will will have a lot less eggs to sell. But don't worry, we can set you up with an extremely bird friendly farm (Hope Farms) that will be able to take care of your egg needs.

The second phase of our grant is a processing facility for birds. My husband is thrilled with the idea of an automatic plucker. It is going to save him SO much time. We will be able to process our own birds, at our own time and be able to provide a very fresh product to our customers. The facility will be a site that we can use as a teaching tool for those who would like to learn how to process their own birds as well. We believe in the sustainable farming movement and want to be a resource to any one who wants to learn this.

The third and final phase is our marketing phase. We plan on putting a logo on our trailer and adding a fridge and a generator to it so that we can take it out to the markets. This is the phase that brings it all together for the customer.

It will be a lot of hard work on the farmer but he is up for the challenge. We look forward to the support of our family, customers and new friends as we are all learning together. We are so thankful that our prayers have been answered and that we get a chance to really make this work. What a great blessing to start off spring!!!


  1. We here at Hope Farms are thrilled for you and know wholeheartedly that you are, and will be, good stewards of this deserving gift! It sounds like you have planned well and have thought of everything. We appreciate being chosen to fill in with eggs while you are transitioning, for that we are humbly honored and will not disappoint.
    What a great blessing indeed! I have always felt that blessings come so that we may be able to bless others, and I know this to be true in you also!

  2. Congrats to the farmer and his wife!
