Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Woes

Here it is....February. It seems to have snuck up on us. While I have always tried to keep our blog positive I think it is important that everyone gets the whole picture. We take the good with the bad and learn from it. That is what makes us stronger.

January was a hard month for us. The freezing temps, the extra snow and then the ice was hard on the farmer and the animals. While we were fortunate that we did not loose any animals the extra work has taken a toll on the farmer. His hands are worn and chapped, his stomach is in knots and I have even noticed some worry lines around his eyes. (We won't mention the extra white in his beard.)

Farming with animals is hard work. There is never a day off, it can be dirty and the pay is terrible. But something keeps taking him back out there day after day. He has taken the responsibility to tend to these animals. In exchange the animals will take care of us. He wants to provide for his family. He believes in hard work and he knows with just a little more we'll make it over this winter and spring will begin. He is such a strong man.

On the positive side, the turkey lots have been completed and the mating has begun. We look forward to those spring eggs. The meat processor is back open and we look to process two pigs this month. 50 Red Broiler chicks have arrived so we can get a head start on some chickens for the spring. We have met some really nice people with farms that we are able to share and learn with. We have two new set of piglets and our expecting goat kids any day now. Our children are thriving and we are very proud of their accomplishments. All things that keep us going when we are down.

To sum it up... Spring can't get here soon enough for Whipowill Hill Farm!